The man behind the screen
Black Widow Print Studio (BWPS) is growing and we must formally introduce ourselves. Our loyal costumers and followers deserve to know a little background about us. First of all, when you call or DM us you will be greeted by George and if you don't know him yet you will soon find out that he thoroughly enjoys to talk. George started in the business as a teenager working a kiosk at an outdoor mall all throughout his high school years. There, he learned how to heat press and how to make vinyl stickers. That job paired perfectly with his extroverted personally and natural ability to network. Once George entered the workforce after high school, he took the skills he learned, and he began saving money to buy his own supplies and started making t-shirts for friends and family, and later opened up his own spot at a local marketplace. George was always motivated and driven by the idea that by having a hobby business on the side it meant that he would have something to fall back on if his full-time corporate job fell through. Fast-forward to 2020. After being furloughed, George decided to take matters into his own hands and take a shot at having more time available to give to his side business. In just a few months George realized that BWPS could possibly be the dream job he never imagined. After much thought George decided not to return to work and gave his notice to resign. And that, my friends, is when BWPS took a turn for all the possibilities that were not being taken. George took a leap of faith and officially called BWPS his full time job. You can be assured that George values all of his customers because he knows first-hand all the long hours of work it takes to build a business from the ground-up all on his own. So, if you're still reading this, thank you. And if there's a take-away from our first blog post it's that we may think we have control of our lives but as George learned; sometimes we need to loosen up a bit to allow life to take the lead.